how to do Surya Namaskar

Follow the tips which are given here, you can try these tips but make sure they will not harm you. 

you can follow our tips for better results, just follow our tips and implemet it in your routine. these tips works slowly .


Raised arms pose

Raised arms pose is the first position of Surya Namaskar, you can try these tips. keep your eyes close, take a deep breath and release.

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Triangle Pose

this triangle pose can reduce your belly fat. try this position for 10 minutes a day. Triangle Position may increase blood flow


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Downward facing


This pose will Tone your Body. This pose helps to strengthen your arms, glutes, thighs, hamstrings, and back

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warrior pose


Warrior pose Yoga increases pressure on your thigh, increases blood pressure, boost immune system and keep your body fit.

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Bow Pose


Bow pose in Yoga increases blood flow, metabolism, increases digestion level, may boost your immunity. Try this position for 5 minutes.

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Cobra Pose


Cobra Pose or Asana is beneficial for your abdominal fat and thigh and hip. Cobra pose is Very important for burning Abdominal Fat.

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the Plank

this Yoga Pose or Asana well-known pose, the plank pose is one of the best poses to burn your belly fat and tone your muscles.


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